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Prestashop php skripts produktu xml eskportam problēmiņa


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Tātad ir sekojošs php skripts produktu xml eksportam!


$tags = array(
 'name' => 'name',
 'link' => 'link',
 'price_inc' => 'price',
 'imageUrl' => 'image',
 'ean' => 'ean',
 'categoryName' => 'category_full',
 'subCategoryName' => 'subCategory',

function my_strip_tags($t)
 $t = preg_replace('/</',' <',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/>/','> ',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]/',' ',$t);
 $t = preg_replace('/  /',' ',$t);
 return strip_tags($t);

function print_field($k, $v)
 global $tags;
 if (isset($tags[$k])) {
   $k = $tags[$k];
   $v = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8");
   print "    <$k>$v</$k>\n";

header("Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8");
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
print "<root>\n";
$configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array(
$id_lang = intval($configuration['PS_LANG_DEFAULT']);
$id_zone = intval($defaultCountry->id_zone);
$link = new Link();
$id_carrier = $configuration['PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT'];
$carrier = new Carrier(intval($id_carrier));
$carrierTax = 0;
if ($carrier->id_tax) {
 $tax = new Tax(intval($carrier->id_tax));
 if (Validate::isLoadedObject($tax) AND Tax::zoneHasTax(intval($tax->id), intval($id_zone)) AND !Tax::excludeTaxeOption())
   $carrierTax = $tax->rate;
$passwd = Tools::getValue('passwd');
$categories = Category::getCategories($id_lang, true, false);
$manufacturers = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(false, $id_lang);
if ($passwd == $confPasswd) {
 $products = Product::getProducts($id_lang, 0, 0, 'price', 'ASC', false, true);
else {
 $products = array();
$manMap =array();
foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer) {
 $manMap[$manufacturer['id_manufacturer']] = $manufacturer;
$catMap =array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
 $catMap[$category['id_category']] = $category;
foreach ($products as $product){
   $product['link'] = $link->getProductLink($product['id_product']);
    $product['price_inc'] = $product['price'] * (1 + $product['tax_rate']/ 100);	 
    $product['price_inc'] = number_format(round($product['price_inc'], 2), 2);
$cover = Product::getCover($product['id_product']);
 $product['imageUrl'] = _PS_BASE_URL_.$link->getImageLink($prodObj->link_rewrite, $product['id_product'].'-'.$cover['id_image'], 'large');

 $product['manufacturerName'] = $manMap[$product['id_manufacturer']]['name'];

 print "  <item>\n";
 foreach ($product as $k => $v) {
   print_field($k, $v);
 $catList = Product::getIndexedCategories($product['id_product']);
 foreach ($catList as $cat) $cat=$catList[0];{
   $catNames = array();
   $catId = $cat['id_category'];
   while ($catId && $catId != 1) {
  array_unshift($catNames, trim($catMap[$catId]['name']));
  $catId = $catMap[$catId]['id_parent'];
   print_field('categoryName', implode(' >> ', $catNames));

    //$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM s_category_product WHERE id_category='{$cat['id_category']}'");
    //while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		    echo "<category_link>http://www.manalapa.lv/category.php?id_category={$cat['id_category']}</category_link>";
 print "</item>\n";
print "</root>\n";


xml fails izskatās sekojoši:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <name>Stereo austiņas ar mikrofonu</name>
   <category_full>Datoru aksesuari >>Austinas</category_full>

Un problēma ir tajā, ka ja kādam produktam ir akcijas cena, piem., akcijas cena 2.99 vecā cena 6.00, tad xml failā rāda veco/default cenu, bet jauno cenu nē. Kas jāpalabo/jāpievieno php skriptā, lai rādītu arī akcijas cenas!?

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