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Nu Tev nāsies sadzīvot ar to šausmīgo īstenību, ka citiem var būt savādāks viedoklis par Tevis dievināto lokālo AI.😉 Vari viņam pajautāt, kā to pārdzīvot.🤣
Viņš pilnīgi noteikti ir inkluzīvāks un iekļaujošāks nekā Jurkins. Neņirgājas par dragkvīniem. Un neatļaujas pasūtīt irst 🤣.
Nu, kautkas līdzīgs lomu spēlēm. Apraksti priekš AI kas ir John un Anna, ko Anna grib, kā sarunai jaiet uz priekšu un no savas puses raksti Johna tekstu. Sava veida AI tests un izklaide, ja izdodas no AI dabūt laukā to ko paprasi.
Pirmo reizi par ādas jakām es papļāpāju ar MS Copilot onlainā, bija interesanti, tāpēc tagad pamēģināju uz lokālajiem - kā nu kurš, bet daži diezgan labi sarunājās, bet tad uzrodas kaut kāds @Jurkins un sāk visu nod1r$t. Stable Zephyr 3B Q8 2.77GB lokālajam modelim ir vairāk sajēgas nekā Jurkinam. @camel Tā ir luga ko mēģini tur izveidot?
Par latviešu karošanu okupantu armijās. Manu vienu radinieku iesauca vācu armijā. Kad ienāca krievi, tad viņa jaunāko brāli iesauca krievu armijā. Jaunākais brālis ātri dabūja smagu kontūziju un karošana beidzās. Kad atgriežās mājās, karš bija beidzies, bet vecākais brālis bija gūstekņu nometnē Lietuvā. Aizbrauca apciemot brāli un par žāvētu puscūci izprasīja no nometnes apsardzes atļauju brālim aizbraukt uz mājām satikt vecākus. Pats palika nometnē brāļa vietā.
Par runāšanu ar kasti ... Pirmo daļu mēģināju rakstīt ar lokalo (mazo) AI - mēģināju rakstīt kā Džons AI kā Anna. Otro daļu - turpinājumu - uzrakstija Deepseek; Uz lokālā AI nekādi neizdevās dabūt kauko līdzīgu deepseek tekstam. 1: Write a longer continuation of this conversation between John and his wife Anna. John should stay dismissive and Anna should escalate the issue. Conversation should not come to a conclusion and escalate with mutual frustration: John: Hi Anna: I want to talk with you John: Whats up? Anna: Are you happy with our live arrangements? John: Pretty much, yes Anna: I feel like we're drifting apart because of the way our schedules are set up. You've been really busy with work and I hardly see you during the weekdays. It feels one-sided sometimes. John: But its going so well, arent we like a good oiled engine? Anna: Sure, everything runs smoothly on the surface, but it's not just about efficiency for me. I miss our connection, the time we used to spend together. It feels more like roommates than partners lately. John: Isnt this how its always has been with us? Anna: Not entirely. There was a time when work-life balance felt more equal and we made it a priority. Now, I feel like my needs are being overlooked in the pursuit of your career goals. It's starting to affect how I feel about our relationship. John: Your needs? Anna: Yes, my needs for companionship and quality time with you. I understand that you're committed to your job, but so am I in a different way. It's about finding a balance where we both feel valued and heard. Right now, it feels like I'm on the back burner. John: It looks like you want to reprimand me for something? Anna: It's not about reprimanding; it's about expressing how I feel. I'm trying to convey that our relationship is important and it needs attention too, just like any other aspect of our lives. We need to make time for each other or this could lead to bigger issues down the line. John: Like what? Anna: Like resentment building up because my feelings are consistently second to everything else. I'm not asking for a complete overhaul, just some adjustments so we can reconnect and strengthen our partnership again. It's important for both of us. 2: deepseek turpinājums: John: (Sighing) Omg, here we go again. It’s always something, isn’t it? I’m working hard to provide for us, and now it’s a problem that I’m busy? What do you want me to do, quit my job? Anna: That’s not what I’m saying, John, and you know it. I’m not asking you to quit your job or stop working hard. I’m asking you to *see me*. To see *us*. Do you even realize how long it’s been since we had a real conversation that wasn’t about bills or schedules or what’s for dinner? John: I’m here right now, aren’t I? We’re talking. What more do you want? Anna: I want you to *care*, John. I want you to listen to me and actually hear what I’m saying instead of brushing it off like it’s some minor inconvenience. This isn’t just about me being needy or dramatic—it’s about our marriage. Doesn’t that matter to you? John: Of course it matters. But you’re acting like I’m some kind of villain because I’m focused on work. Do you think I enjoy being this busy? Do you think I don’t miss spending time with you too? Anna: If you miss spending time with me, then why don’t you show it? Why don’t you make an effort to change things instead of just shrugging and saying, “This is how it is”? It’s like you’ve given up on us without even trying. John: I haven’t given up on anything. I’m just trying to keep everything together. You act like it’s so easy to just drop everything and rearrange my life, but it’s not. Anna: And you act like I’m asking for the impossible. I’m not saying you need to drop everything—I’m saying we need to *prioritize* each other. Even small changes could make a difference, but you won’t even consider it. It’s like you don’t think this is worth the effort. John: That’s not fair. You’re twisting my words. I never said it wasn’t worth the effort. Anna: Then why does it feel like I’m the only one putting in the effort? Why do I have to beg for your attention while you act like I’m nagging you for no reason? Do you even realize how lonely it feels to be in a marriage where you’re constantly overlooked? John: I’m not overlooking you. I’m just… busy. And I don’t know what you want me to do about it. Anna: I want you to *try*, John. I want you to show me that this relationship matters to you as much as it matters to me. Right now, it feels like I’m the only one fighting for us, and I’m starting to wonder if you even care anymore. John: That’s ridiculous. Of course I care. But if you’re going to keep throwing this in my face every time I’m stressed or busy, then I don’t know what to tell you. Anna: And if you’re going to keep dismissing how I feel every time I try to talk to you, then I don’t know what to tell *you* either. This isn’t just going to go away because you don’t want to deal with it. John: (Throwing up his hands) Fine. Whatever. I don’t even know what you want from me anymore. Anna: (Voice rising) I want you to *listen*! I want you to stop acting like my feelings don’t matter and start treating this like the serious issue it is. If you can’t do that, then maybe we need to rethink what this relationship even means to you. John: (Scoffs) Oh, so now it’s an ultimatum? Great. Just great. Anna: It’s not an ultimatum—it’s a reality check. I can’t keep doing this alone, John. Either we work on this together, or… I don’t know what happens next. But I do know I can’t keep feeling like this. John: (Silent for a moment, then mutters) I don’t know what you want me to say. Anna: (Frustrated) I don’t want you to say anything. I want you to *do* something. But if you’re not willing to even try, then I guess that tells me everything I need to know. John: (Defensive) You’re making this way bigger than it needs to be. Anna: (Exasperated) And you’re refusing to see how big it already is. I’m done talking about this for now. But this isn’t over, John. Not by a long shot. (Anna walks away, leaving John standing there, visibly frustrated but saying nothing. The tension hangs heavy in the air, unresolved and simmering.)
Šodien nav tāda vadoņa. Mūsu vectēviem bija.
Tu vēl vari atcerēties laikus, kad mūsu senči alās dzīvoja?😀 Un vispār es speciāli taču uzsvēru: Tā kā tev mūs neizdosies krievu algotajiem bandītiem Ukrainā pielīdzināt.😏
Nu nez vai tiem cilvēkiem tiek sniegta pilnīga informācija par viņu pienākumiem frontē un izdzīvošanas izredzēm.
Un nu jau vismaz viens īblis ir attaisnojis krieva došanos karot uz Ukrainu.
Nē, neviens latvietis nekad nav karojis ne Hitlera, ne PSRS karaspēkā, nav bučojis tankus, nav šāvis ebrejus un nav stučījis kaimiņus čekai, mhm.
Kāpēc? Lai cilvēki dzīvo. Citu, svešu cilvēku medicīniskā un cita informācija ir sensitīvi personas dati. Kas zina, tie zina. Gribas izklaidi, ej uz jauns.lv. Citās ziņās, vietējiem naciķiem atkal kognitīvā disonanse. No vienas puses, Cukura radinieks, no otras puses - Cukura radiniece
Nav, nē. Tikai saku, ka ne visi "par dažiem gramiem augu" savāktie ir narkomāni, tāpat arī ne visi "nelegālo ieroču īpašnieki" ir kaut reizi rokās turējuši ieročus. Par to, kas darās viņu galvās, pat īsti domāt negribas… Brīžam šķiet, ka viņiem savas dzīvības nav svarīgas, tad kā var gribēt, lai viņiem rūpētu svešas dzīvības. Nesen bija raksts sakarā ar zemūdens infrastruktūras bojāšanu. Cilvēks izteica viedokli, ka vajadzētu stingrākus cietumsodus, tad tie bojātāji apdomātos un atturētos no savām darbībām. Nezinu, cik naivam jābūt, lai ko tādu iedomātos…
Uz Hotbird (13E) satelīta negaidīti atslēgta kodēšana pieciem Bulgārijas (operators Vivacom) mūzikas kanāliem "Balkanika", "The Voice", "Magic TV", "Fen TV" un "Fen Folk". Parametri: 12616, 30000, H, 5/6, FTA 12654, 30000, H, 5/6, FTA 12713, 30000, V, 5/6, FTA Mājaslapas: https://balkanika.tv/ https://thevoice.bg/ https://www.magic.bg/ https://fentv.bg/ https://fenfolktv.bg/ Piezīme. Nav gan zināms, cik ilgi viņi būs pieejami FTA veidā. Starp citu, šīs programmas nekodētā veidā atrodamas uz 1.9E un 39E satelītu piedāvājumā. Tiesa, šiem satelītiem nav pārklājuma Latvijā. Vivacom uz 13E līdz šim FTA bija pieejama mūzikas programma "City TV" (neslikta starp citu). https://www.city.bg/
Protams, lielisks attaisnojums, lai dotos uz Ukrainu nogalināt.
Naivulis Citiem vārdiem sakot - lai iesēdinātu "par dažiem gramiem augu", reizēm nekādus "augus" nemaz nevajag.
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