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CTF Capture The Flag varbūt kāds vēlas piedalīties


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Ik pa laikam uzspēlēju CTF, un varbūt kādam no foruma dalībniekiem arī būtu interese pamēģināt parisināt šādus uzdevums kopā. Ja ir kāds, kas nezin, tad CTF ir:


Capture the Flag (CTF) is a special kind of information security competitions. There are three common types of CTFs: Jeopardy, Attack-Defence and mixed.

Jeopardy-style CTFs has a couple of questions (tasks) in range of categories. For example, Web, Forensic, Crypto, Binary or something else. Team can gain some points for every solved task. More points for more complicated tasks usually. The next task in chain can be opened only after some team solve previous task. Then the game time is over sum of points shows you a CTF winer. 

CTF games often touch on many other aspects of information security: cryptography, stego, binary analysis, reverse engeneering, mobile security and others. Good teams generally have strong skills and experience in all these issues.

Vēl sīkāk, lai saprastu kāda veida uzdevumi mēdz būt un kā viņus atrisināt var lasīt šeit https://ctftime.org/writeups


Šobrīd tuvākais pasākums ir https://ctf.0ops.net/, kas notiks  18 March 2017, 00:00 UTC — 20 March 2017, 00:00 UTC

Būtu kādam no biedriem interese piedalīties?

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